Sunday, November 18, 2007

Thing 18--Online Productivity Tools

In an effort to move a little faster, I'll try to give a straight response (for once). I tested out GoogleDocs because it is award winning and it is what my Hubby uses. (BTW, Hubby said I should throw out SaaS-Software as a Service--when discussing this because that is the corporate buzz in the Software World with regard to these apps. He also said the big talk is reduced need for an infrastructure among small to medium business by using apps. like these. For a good example of more of these apps., he suggest checking out and

Anyway, GoogleDocs rocks (as ridiculously stated in the youtube video). No, really. It was easy to use, and, in fact, I killed two birds with one stone a created a schedule for the Fiction Department Display Cubes (see actual document above). I then sent this schedule to my fellow Fictionistas, so the could collaborate (I really need them to collaborate the heck out of it). And as I said to all of them, "Google Docs is both fluid and organized." And I actual mean that.

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