Thursday, August 30, 2007

Welcome to my blog: "Look on my works ye Mighty, and despair! " (Too much?)

This is my first venture into blogging. I will more than likely use this blog mainly to track my "23 Things," a project that libraries are engaging in to familiarize library staff with the modern world of technology (podcasts, webzines, and blogging... oh, my). But you never know, my narcissism may overcome my lethargy, and something interesting or funny (probably unintentionally) may pop up on occasion.


Jaye Holly said...

Welcome to the wonderful and wacky world of 23 Things! Keep your hands and feet in the vehicle at all times and enjoy the ride!
Jaye :)

Unknown said...

Do the 23 things include learning how to use the web to simultaneously achieve world dominance and instant karma? Now that's motivation!

(P.S. The blogger sounds cute.)

Tom said...

Cool blog. Enjoy the 23 things.

Unknown said...

I love your quote! From Shelley, right? Ozymandias, I think. Does anyone know who the heck that actually was?
You write so terrifically well; I look forward to more witty & literate entries - though I know you must work around the needs of the darling Little Ones!